Work Hard – Have Fun – Make a Difference - ibex.

Work Hard – Have Fun – Make a Difference

February 20,2017
In a fast-moving, high-pressure corporate environment, it's important to take a break. The brain is a muscle, and while working it out will strengthen it, it's also important to give it a rest and let it recover. IBEX Team decided to take a break from work and go to the picnic this year which was held at the farm house in the outskirts of Karachi. Some new entertainment was added to the picnic program this year which includes contests for the best singing/ karaoke for all employees. Some physical activities were also a part of the event which includes volleyball, Snooker, badminton that allows employees to blow out their stress and see their co-workers and managers in the different image outside their workplace. The event was so well organized and despite the really cold weather people enjoyed and had so much fun!! Here are some pictures from the day.

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